ATM: Covering the Eyes

ATM: Covering the Eyes

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During our daily activities, eye movements are usually focused, the eyes are open to see. This is a time when more of us are looking at screens for longer periods of time with a single focus of the eyes. For many, this is causing greater strain and fatigue, not only for the eyes, but for the whole system. We can address the eyes in many ways in our explorations. In this short Feldenkrais lesson, the eyes, their state of calm, and the quality of our dark vision is a marker of the overall state of the nervous system. This can have a relaxing effect on your neck, jaw, breathing, face and more. As a result, you may settle down, get quiet and increase your sharpness for vision. Let's see how we can organize our vision to make the orientation clear and smooth, so that the muscle tone in the whole body can become organized and engaged to do a function well. This lesson is 30 minutes and is done lying on the back.

When I stood up and looked out, it felt like my eyes were flatter, and farther back in my head! And I felt super relaxed!” -Erin

It was so cool. Brian has yellow/orange in his vision and I had blue/green!! My sight also kept getting more and more black, especially after the quicker side to side with the eyes.” - Mathew