Freeing the Neck and Shoulders With Feldenkrais

An 8 lesson self paced Awareness Through Movement Series
This series was originally taught live.

This unique, eight lesson online series with Sarah Baumert will explore how we can interrupt our habitual patterns involving unnecessary tension, overuse, and discomfort in the neck and shoulders. In each lesson, you will investigate how you hold tension in your system, while discovering in your own way new sensations of comfort and pleasure that can lead to profound and lasting change. Notice what makes you feel good, what you are curious about, and recognize that experiencing pleasure and enjoyment in your body are measures of freedom.

These lessons will help to free your neck, shoulders, and whole body from Zoom fatigue, the action of looking forward and down, anxiety, tension, and stiffness that comes with an overwhelming modern life. The aim is to help you move towards feeling more calm and balanced, with more options for movement, action, and pleasure. Engage with a wider view of the world by releasing emotional and physical tension.

In Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement®, we explore how we can move with the smallest amount of effort. The smallest amount of effort or exertion will facilitate the maximum amount of sensory differentiation and thus make information available for new learning. Slow movements will facilitate a parasympathetic response, the rest and digest response of the nervous system.

We all have a brain that is plastic and capable of improvement and change. This is a non-judgemental, non-corrective, and liberating way to experience your body in motion.

$150 for the 8 lesson course.
Pay-as-able options are available at check out for this series.
For full scholarship, please inquire directly with Sarah.

The deep awareness of how a seemingly isolated movement of twisting or turning has the potential to be felt or experienced throughout the body feels like magical information that I have gained from Sarah. Also, my shoulders in general feel much more present and alive as a part of my body. My awareness of them and the space they take up has totally burst open.
— Emilia

Train your sensitivity in such a way that you find yourself feeling more alive and vibrant.  

  • Practitioners and those with experience are welcome too!

  • No previous experience with the Feldenkrais Method is needed to participate.


What You’ll Discover In This Online Series?

• This series will include eight lessons. Two variations of each lesson are included, for 16 total classes.
• Mini lessons and supplemental material to prolong your learning throughout the week

Lessons Included in this Series:

  1. Triangle Arms for a More Comfortable Neck

  2. Mobilizing the Chest With a Self Hug

  3. Taking the Arm Back

  4. Jaw, Neck, and Pelvis

  5. Use of the Arms Part 1

  6. Use of the Arms Part 2 with Tailbone

  7. Arm Like a Rope

  8. Arm Spokes and Circles

Educational Talks:

• Pre lesson Anatomy lessons

• The philosophical framework for ATM 


• Recorded Q & A to listen to questions, connect with the other students, and discuss the method and tools we are learning about. 

• Optional 10 minute consultation with Sarah
• Online forum to connect and ask questions if you are doing the recordings   

• Email support

Ways to keep practicing:

• Stream recordings indefinitely   

• Option to download recordings

Once you have purchased the course, you will have immediate access to the class recordings.

How to use the Marvelous software for livestream and recorded classes.


What students experienced after last month’s series:

"I particularly liked how, without a hint of judgment, you offered a variety of possible ways we might be experiencing various movements. That really reinforced that there was no "right answer" and, therefore, led to my being more aware and honest about how I was feeling." - K.T.

"Hi Sarah - I so enjoyed and benefitted from the last series - I injured my shoulder multiple times and I now experience regular pain in my mid back & shoulder. I found your lessons loosened that area up a lot, significantly reducing my pain and stiffness. What a relief." - P.B.

"Sarah - I was pleasantly surprised at the relief I experienced from this short series. The classes were filled with simple things that I can incorporate into my day to bring more peace to my body, mind and spirit." - E.S.