
Feldenkrais Walking Series: MethodS for Mindful Movement


Walking From Your Spine: Fluid Torso and Weightless Limbs

An 8 week Feldenkrais® Guided Awareness Through Movement Series with Sarah Baumert
May 29th - July 21st, 2024
Wednesdays 6:30pm CST/ Sundays 4pm CST
Live classes will be taught on zoom*

*All lessons are recorded. Registering for the series gives you access to the recorded lessons indefinitely.

While we often credit our legs for walking and running, the spine actually plays a more central role than we realize. This series of lessons is designed to build awareness and skill in how the spine and torso initiate and help control our gait during walking. 

Through gentle, mindful movement explorations, you'll learn how to improve balance, coordination, and range of motion, all leading to a more enjoyable and effortless walking experience. Feldenkrais is different than gentle yoga, but similar in the way that the lessons are like a mindful movement meditation. Each lesson builds upon the next lesson, so that the student can feel how the practiced movement patterns benefit each other.

Most lessons in this series will be done on the floor, lying on the back or the side, with short explorations in standing, walking, and chair sitting. This gentle somatic program is suitable for anyone, including those recovering from hip or back surgery, or managing chronic pain in their walking. Gaining more freedom and confidence in your walking is key to an independent life. Come explore mindful movement that is targeted to improve walking, flexibility, balance, and coordination, leading to a smoother, confident, more enjoyable walking experience.


Livestream classes will be taught over Zoom
May 29th - July 21st, 2024

Sundays 4:00-5:00pm CST
& Wednesdays 6:30-7:30pm CST
16 classes in total - 8 unique lessons
All lessons are recorded. Registering for the series gives you access to the recorded lessons indefinitely.
scholarships and pay-as-able options available

See full schedule here.


More than just exercises, these mindful movement explorations will guide you to:

  • Discover how the Feldenkrais Method can improve your walking skills!

  • Learn the developmental roots of walking by learning how to integrate your spinal axis with your limbs.

  • Improve posture and coordination so walking feels more confident, pleasurable, and powerful.

  • Learn how you can take these lessons off of your mat and into your daily walking.

  • Embrace a sense of playful curiosity and rediscover the joy of learning.

  • No prior experience necessary, just an open mind and a willingness to explore.

What You'll Discover In This Online Series:

• This series will include 16 livestream classes. Each lesson is taught twice, once on Sunday and once on Wednesday.

Examples of some of the lessons in this series: 

  1. Learning Your Self Image for Walking

  2. Floating Ribs and Sternum

  3. Utilize the Spine to Lift the Legs

  4. Seesaw Breathing To Improve Your Balance

  5. Coordinating the Pelvic Clock with a Self Hug

  6. Seesaw Respirations - Balance From Head to Heels

Educational Talks:

• Pre lesson Anatomy lessons
• The philosophical framework for ATM 


• Recorded Q & A to listen to questions, connect with the other students, and discuss the method and tools we are learning about. 
• Optional 10 minute consultation with Sarah
• Online forum to connect and ask questions if you are doing the recordings   
• Email support

Ways to keep practicing:

• Stream recordings indefinitely   
• Option to download recordings

The livestream classes and recordings that are a part of this online course will be accessed via the BODY MATTER studio platform using Marvelous software. Once you have purchased the course, you will have access to the livestream classes and recordings. How to use the Marvelous studio platform for taking livestream and recorded classes.



  • Starting in the 1930’s, Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais began to develop a somatic form of neuromuscular re-education. Feldenkrais developed two practical approaches for exploring early developmental movements, as well as more advanced complex actions.

    1) Functional Integration - manually directed, hands on, private lessons. Learn more about 1:1 the Feldenkrais approach here.

    2) Awareness Through Movement - verbally guided mindful movement classes done in a group setting.

    Both approaches are described as “lessons”, as they involve beneficial learning processes for the brain and body. In guided Awareness Through Movement classes you study your potential to act, and how you refine your self organization to make any movement. Feldenkrais is not stretching or straining, it is learning. The method uses gentle mindful movement and directed attention to help people learn new and more effective ways to move and be in the world.

  • Walking on two feet is a defining characteristic of being human. It’s something that we often take for granted, until it’s not easy to do! When we are walking, we are generally more concerned about where we are trying to get to, not about the skill or grace in how we are getting there. Humans evolved to find a pleasurable experience of whole-body movement in their walking. Our supple chests and torsos, integrated with our legs, allowed for graceful and efficient locomotion over long distances, but our current cultural environment makes this harder for us to experience.

    Feldenkrais lessons can help. In Feldenkrais, through guided awareness, we take the time and space to learn about how the whole body functions during any action. The lessons in this series will explore many whole body functions that underlie a walking stride and the coordination of the torso. In Feldenkrais we are not stretching and straining, we are learning walking awareness. We notice and listen closely enough to learn about our restrictive habits. Awareness of what we are doing is the first step in order to free ourselves from unnecessary efforts, to create a more skillful, confident, easy stride and improve walking. By freeing ourselves from restrictive habits in our hips and torso, we can learn to have a more spacious and free walk, a key ingredient to a healthy and independent life.

  • Feldenkrais helps improve balance and prevent falls by retraining your body's response to potential imbalances.

    Fear can be a major culprit behind falls. Fear can make us tense up and hold our breath, limiting movement and increasing fall risk. The lessons are gentle movement explorations that promote a healthy breathing and a calm nervous system.

    Balance also relies on feeling your body's position in space. Feldenkrais explorations refine your body awareness and proprioception, helping you detect, respond, and adapt to potential imbalances more wisely. Focusing on coordinated movement patterns, the lessons train your body and mind to respond more effectively to unsteady situations.

  • Yes! It’s not uncommon for students to feel taller and to stand more upright (with less effort) after a Feldenkrais session. Most all humans “hold” the body with a specific tone in the muscles. Over time this muscular tone habituates and becomes our “posture”, for better or worse. Using guided awareness and small movements in Feldenkrais lessons, the body can shed its unnecessary muscular tone, so that the skeleton can then find its more optimal place to be.

    “Although we each have a fantastic skeleton and musculature designed to give us flexible support and hold us upright against the pull of gravity, we frequently develop postural habits that challenge our skeletal structure's effectiveness and cause muscular tension inflammation, and a gradual deterioration of our joints.” - Feldenkrais Trainer David Zemach- Bersin

    With awareness, specificity, and practice, Feldenkrais lessons can give you the ability to free the muscles of the neck, shoulders, spine, and pelvis. As one moves towards more freedom of the muscles, one also moves towards a more easy, elegant, and upright posture supported by the strength of the skeleton.

    Our aim in Feldenkrais is not a perfect posture, but a place of less tension and conflict in the body where our posture is fluid, not rigid. Everyone’s posture, or how they “use” themselves, isn’t always optimal. With the help of the Feldenkrais method, your postural habits can improve to make everyday movements more enjoyable and easy.

  • Both practices emphasize listening to your body, respecting its limits, and unlocking its potential. However, their approaches differ, offering unique pathways to self-discovery. A seasoned yogi might find Feldenkrais deepens their internal awareness, while a Feldenkrais practitioner might discover greater strength and power through yoga.

    While most yoga practices tend to focus on alignment and the shape of a pose, the Feldenkrais method differs, in that the emphasis is on the coordination and quality of movement, not in holding a pose for a set amount of time or reaching the limits of a stretch. Feldenkrais emphasized ease and efficiency in movement and to never reach a point of strain or even stretch. The movements are always done within a range of comfort, creating an environment where the nervous system feels safe enough to learn and change. There are no shapes or poses in the Feldenkrais method, but instead we work with developmental movement patterns and mindful movement explorations.


Join us and:

Embark on 8-weeks of mindful movement and self-discovery.

Learn from a gentle guide and experienced Feldenkrais practitioner.

Connect with a supportive community of like-minded individuals.

Build confidence in your day to day movements leading to a more independent life.

Register today and take the first step towards a more empowered and pain-free you!

About Sarah: Sarah Baumert is known for her thorough and diverse instruction and her dedication to holding space for individual personal discovery. She facilitates whole body alignment in her students as a way for them to access balance, strength, mobility and physical clarity. Through sensory rich movement experiments, she guides students in cultivating mindfulness and deepening their learning process. She works with a variety of populations including athletes, seniors, artists, dancers, musicians, and those experiencing injury or surgery recovery. Sarah is a certified Yoga Therapist, an Authorized Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement® Teacher and Feldenkrais Functional Integration® Practitioner. Her objective is to acquire the most effective skills for helping her students live with less pain and more pleasure in their bodies.

What people are saying about Sarah's teaching:

I walked today, and could really connect with the shoulder and torso movements that support/energize walking from our Wednesday night lesson!   This series is promoting new body awarenesses for me around easeful walking and everyday movement. - Linda

I am so grateful that you continue to provide these life giving, body strengthening and soul nurturing classes. They are like an inner meditation for every cell in my body! - Rosie

After I switched to the ‘regular’ yoga class, I realized I missed how I felt during and after Feldenkrais. I experience an ease of being, a soft wholesomeness, in Feldenkrais. I meditate most mornings, and I sometimes find that same stillness after Feldenkrais. Also, ease of movement: I am always struck at how gracefully I can move a limb compared to how the limb starts out. -Elizabeth

What I love so much about your classes: when the unexpected happens, like a jigsaw puzzle falling into place. Keep surprising me! - Jane

I find your classes to be exceptionally supportive and illuminating, and I’ve so benefitted from the learning and the unlearning I’ve experienced. Drop by drop, this practice and what I’ve received from your teaching have radically changed how I am in my body and in my life. These online Feldenkrais courses have become some of my favorite practices ever, and I’m excited every time you propose a new series. - Betsy

After these lessons, I often feel like I am “floating”. I continue to realize, in real time and activities like walking, the connection between all parts of my body….the supple power that moves up and down my spine, from my head to my pelvis. - Helen

This is a non-judgemental, non-corrective, and liberating way to experience your body in motion. You will experience learning at your pace where noticing what makes you feel good is a priority. Notice what you are curious about, and recognize that experiencing pleasure and enjoyment in your body are measures of freedom. The mindful movement lessons are suitable for all levels, and will include a variety of positions, from lying on the back or side, chair sitting, lying on the belly, standing, and walking.